Poland may revise the list of Ukrainian agricultural products banned for import

Source:  UkrAgroConsult

Poland may change the list of Ukrainian agricultural products, the import of which was banned last Saturday.

The Minister of Agriculture of Poland Robert Telus told RMF FM in a commentary.

In particular, meat, wines and live cattle may be removed from the list of Ukrainian goods banned from import to Poland.

The minister noted that GPS beacons for tracking Ukrainian transit cargo will be applied to cars and railroad vehicles. Vehicles can be grouped for this purpose, rather than creating a tracker for each truck with cargo.

“Vehicles can be grouped together. I can’t say whether it will be 10 or 20 vehicles – the decision will be up to the customs service,” Telus said.

As a reminder, Poland has allowed Ukraine to transit grain through its territory. Transit will resume on the night of April 20-21, 2023.

Further development of the Black Sea and global grain and oilseeds markets will be discussed by UkrAgroConsult analysts and leading agribusiness operators at the EURO GRAIN HUB Exchange & Forum on April 26-28 in Bucharest, Romania.  Join the key stakeholders from the Black Sea region, Central & Eastern Europe and Balkans, contributing to the global commodity supply chain.

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