Poland has prepared transit corridors for Ukrainian grain


Poland has prepared transit corridors that allow Ukrainian grain to be exported to countries that need it.

“Thanks to the work of our farmers, we are self-sufficient. We do not need grain from Ukraine. During the war, their excellent harvests went very little to the countries that really needed them. Poland has prepared transit corridors that allow Ukrainian grain to pass through Poland and be exported wherever it is needed. We are trying to help Ukraine and those countries that need this help,” Polish President Andrzej Duda said, according to the Presidential Office.

According to Duda, it is the right decision that the Polish government left the ban on the sale of Ukrainian grain on the Polish market.

“But we must do everything to make the transit as large as possible,” the Polish president summarized.

As reported, on September 15, the European Commission refused to extend the temporary ban on imports of Ukrainian wheat, corn, sunflower seeds and rapeseed to five EU countries neighboring Ukraine.

At the same time, the European Commission said that Ukraine agreed to introduce certain legal measures (e.g., an export licensing system) within 30 days to avoid sudden spikes in grain exports.

However, Slovakia extended the previous EU ban on imports of four types of grain, Poland introduced additional bans on Ukrainian flour and feed, and Hungary banned 25 more products that were not previously mentioned, including meat.

In response, Ukraine requested consultations with Slovakia, Poland and Hungary in accordance with the rules and procedures for dispute settlement under the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization (WTO).

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