Poland discusses the need to prepare the agricultural sector for Ukraine’s membership in the EU

Source:  AgroPortal.ua

Polish analysts have begun discussing the issue of preparing the agricultural market for competition with Ukraine as Ukraine’s membership in the EU is approaching.

According to the Polish agricultural publication Тygodnik rolniczy, protecting the agri-food market and preparing it to compete with Ukraine is the biggest challenge that Polish agriculture will face after Ukraine joins the EU.

It is noted that Ukraine has enormous agricultural potential – fertile soil and a favorable climate. According to estimates by the Greater Poland Chamber of Agriculture, the area of agricultural land in Ukraine is 41.3 million hectares, which is three times more than in Poland.

In addition, the share of arable land in Ukraine’s total area is one of the highest at 54%, while the average level in Europe is about 35%.

Polish farmers fear that after Ukraine’s accession to the EU, the potential of Ukrainian agriculture will develop significantly, and they will not be able to compete with agroholdings.

“We, as farmers, have no chance when we hear about negotiations on Ukraine’s membership in the EU,” said one producer.

“Anyone who hasn’t traveled to Ukraine and seen its potential has no idea what we can expect. I have no intention of growing spelt or millet in the Sudetenland,” added another.

The Jagiellonian Club believes that farmers’ dissatisfaction with Ukraine’s accession to the EU could lead to a serious crisis. After all, the current advantages of the Ukrainian agricultural sector will be complemented by subsidies provided in accordance with the area of the farm and full trade liberalization.

However, Infograin market analyst Miroslav Martsiniak emphasizes that this approach needs to be changed, and Ukraine’s accession to the EU should be seen as an opportunity, not just a threat.

“And this will be one of the most important tasks of the future Minister of Agriculture to prepare Polish agriculture to compete with Ukraine,” says Marciniak.

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