Poland announces talks with Ukraine on export licenses, embargo still in force

Source:  UNN

Poland intends to start technical talks with Ukraine on export licenses, but this does not mean lifting the trade embargo, Polish Agriculture Minister Czeslaw Siekerski said.

Poland’s Agriculture Minister Czeslaw Siekerski said that in a few days Poland will start technical negotiations with Ukraine on export licenses, but the start of negotiations does not mean the lifting of the embargo, Polskie Radio 24 reports.

The head of the country’s Agriculture Ministry said that the certificates, modeled after those agreed by Romania and Bulgaria with Ukraine, would limit the excessive flow of goods to Poland and aim to end the trade dispute between Warsaw and Kyiv.

Our experts from the Ministry of Agriculture will communicate with the experts from the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine and discuss product by product. There will be licenses that will determine the volume of exports, and these licenses will also indicate the recipient and where the goods are going. We want to formalize this a little bit, but at the same time it would organize trade flows. We would also be the holders of these licenses and would check the entry of these goods into Poland, – said the Minister of Agriculture of Poland.

Mr. Sekersky noted that the start of negotiations does not mean the embargo is lifted. For now, it will remain in force.

“Until we agree on bilateral rules on the flow of goods, the embargo will not be lifted. Only when we agree and agree on certain things will we talk about lifting the embargo,” Sekersky said.

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