Poland and Slovakia want to extend the ban on imports of Ukrainian grain even after the end of the grain deal

Source:  Agravery.com

Poland and Slovakia will insist on extending the ban on grain imports from Ukraine to five EU countries until the end of this year, despite the expiration of the grain agreement.

“I don’t see any significant arguments for the current ban to end in mid-September. I hope that the embargo will not end, that we will be able to get it extended in our coalition of five EU countries,” Polish Agriculture Minister Robert Telus said in an interview with Polish radio on July 18.

In turn, Slovak Agriculture Minister Josef Biresh announced a meeting in Warsaw on July 19 between representatives of five eastern EU countries to “prepare a statement for the European Commission to consider our specific situation” and extend the current ban to other products.

“I hope that the embargo will not end on September 15, and that we will be able to get it extended in our coalition of five EU countries. We support Ukraine in every way possible, but on the condition that food imports cannot distort our domestic market,” the minister emphasized.

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