Planting intentions in Black Sea countries

Author:  Maryna Marynych
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Article author:

Maryna Marynych
Grain Market Analyst

This year, planting in the Black Sea region began later due to persistent cold, UkrAgroConsult reports.

Ukraine. The first data on spring planting progress were published on March 25, putting the prospective plantings of spring grains in 2021 at 7455.8 Th ha, including:

            – spring wheat: 170.3 Th ha (-1.2% from 2020),

            – spring barley: 1367.8 Th ha (-0.7%),

            – corn: 5324.3 Th ha (-2.3%);

106.3 Th ha was already planted as of March 25, and active work is only underway in four regions – Donetsk, Zakarpattya, Mykolaiv, and Kherson. 992.4 Th ha was already planted to grains on the same date last year.

Russia. Russian farmers have also started spring planting of grains and pulses – it was 0.9% complete as of March 26 (266.5 Th ha). Roughly 918.8 Th ha was already seeded as of the same date last year. It is projected to plant 29.3 Ml ha to spring grains (29.2 Ml ha in 2020), including 2.8 Ml ha earmarked for corn.

Nevertheless, the Ag Ministry of Russia is planning to expand the total 2021 crop acreage by 600 Th ha. Among the crops whose areas are to increase, it pointed out grains, pulses and feed crops.

Kazakhstan. In Kazakhstan, spring planting is already underway in Almaty, Jambyl, Kyzylorda, and Turkestan regions. 67.7 Th ha was planted to spring grains in Kazakhstan as of March 29 (12.4% complete).

In 2021, the Ag Ministry of Kazakhstan is planning to reduce the acreage of grains and pulses from 15.88 Ml ha to 15.80 Ml ha in favor of oilseeds and feed crops. It seems Kazakhstan is planning to switch its production for suiting the needs of China, but this process may drag out.

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