Parana Planted 94% of Safrinha Corn, 95% Rated Gd/Ex


Farmers in the state of Parana have planted 94% of the 2.63 million hectares of safrinha corn (6.49 million acres) according to the Department of Rural Economics (Deral). Farmers are hoping that the safrinha corn can help make up for the disastrous 2021/22 soybean crop that was decimated by a prolonged drought and record high temperatures.

The weather has been good in recent weeks and Deral reported that the safrinha corn was rated 5% average and 95% good. The safrinha corn was 8% germinating, 83% in vegetative development, 9% pollinating, and 1% filling grain.

Nationwide, the safrinha corn in Brazil was 98% planted as of late last week compared to 90% last year according to AgRural. The safrinha corn in Brazil is generally rated in good condition, but farmers are concerned about future rainfall since moisture will be needed through May for the corn to reach its full yield potential. The Brazilian National Weather Service (Inmet) is forecasting below normal rainfall for April-May-June in the safrinha corn area with the potential for early frosts.

Deral reported that 80% of the 434,230 hectares (1.97 million acres) of the first corn crop in Parana was harvested as of earlier this week. The remaining corn was rated 16% poor, 32% average, and 52% good. The percentage of the corn rated good has been increasing in recent weeks because the worst corn has already been harvested.


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