Pakistan: weeds decrease 42 per cent wheat production

The agriculture experts have advised the farmers to make proper arrangements for timely removal of weeds as these badly affect the yield and cause reduction in wheat production up to 42 per cent. A spokesman for the agriculture department said on Sunday that after comprehensive survey, the agricultural experts observed that the weeds caused up to 42 per cent production loss in wheat crop, 41 per cent loss in cotton crop, 39 per cent loss in rice crop, 35 per cent loss in sugarcane crop, 47 per cent loss in maize crop, 55 per cent in pulses, 45 per cent loss in oil-seed crops and 89 per cent production loss in vegetable crops. “The weeds not only absorb nutrients of the crop plants but these are also providing most suitable environment and place to the pests which are injurious to the crop production,” the spokesman said. Therefore, the farmers should take immediate steps to remove the weeds from their crops especially from wheat for getting maximum production, he advised.


The Nation

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