Pakistan: timely watering saves wheat crops from frost impact


The agriculture experts have advised growers to water their wheat crops in-time to save it from ill impact of frost.

Director Agriculture Chaudhry Abdul Hameed said on Sunday, “Although recent rains have salutary impact on wheat crops, yet the growers should take extraordinary care to their crops and water it timely to save the crops from ill-impact of the harsh chillness of winter season”.

He said that in most of the wheat areas, the growers do not care for timely watering the wheat crops which not only affected the quality as well as quantity of the grain but such crops also had poor resistance against severe chillness the winter”.

He advised the growers to water their wheat crops first time after 20-25 days of its cultivation whereas second watering should be made after 70-80 days.

The third watering should be made after 110-115 days of sowing so that the grains of the wheat could become fully developed, he added.


Pakistan Observer

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