Pakistan: Barley as alternative to wheat

Pakistan has been experiencing a wheat shortage, as approximately 80% of the wheat crop is cultivated on an estimated 22-23 million hectares of land by the country’s farming force. Wheat is commonly regarded as a valuable cash crop in Pakistani society. The province of Punjab leads in wheat production, followed by Sindh and then K-P. Available figures indicate that nearly 72% of the demand for staple food is met through wheat production. However, Pakistan has faced various climate-related challenges in recent years, including natural disasters and human-induced catastrophes. Heavy rainfall and flooding have negatively impacted wheat crop productivity, resulting in a scarcity of wheat in local markets and skyrocketing prices that are beyond the reach of ordinary citizens.

To address this issue, Pakistan should explore alternative crops such as barley for future production. Barley, an ancient crop cultivated in the South Asian continent for the past 10,000 years, is a rich source of proteins, containing more than 45% essential amino acids. Barley can be a viable alternative crop for farmers to cultivate and harvest in the future. The barley harvesting season typically spans from October to March, depending on temperature conditions. Barley is well-suited for sodic soil and can thrive in drought-prone environments. Considering Pakistan’s existing challenges with salinity, drought and a shortage of freshwater for cultivation, large-scale barley cultivation could be a suitable option to meet the increasing food requirements of the population.

As per the 18th amendment, agriculture falls under the domain of provincial departments, making it essential for the Sindh agriculture research department to encourage farmers to cultivate barley varieties such as Sultan-17 and Jau-21 as an alternative to wheat. This could potentially position Sindh as a leading hub for barley productivity in Pakistan. Notably, Bangladesh alone produced 7,000 metric tons of barley in the 2013-14 period.

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