November USDA: world sunflowerseeds production 2021/22 forecast edged up


The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) revised upward its forecast for the world sunflowerseed production in 2021/22 from 55.86 mln t to 56 mln t.

In the November report, the USDA analysts project the world sunflowerseed oil output at 21.8 mln t vs. the previous report’s 21.79 mln t. Sunflowerseed meal production projection is also above the previous month, at 23.23 mln t (October report: 23.22 mln t).

Ukraine’s sunflowerseeds production was left unaltered, 2021/22 output is expected at 17 mln t. Sunflowerseed meal production in Ukraine remains stable mth/mth, at 6.83 mln t. Sunflowerseed oil production is expected at 7.117 mln t in Ukraine in 2021/22.

Sunflowerseed and products output in the key producing countries in 2021/22:

 Country Sunflowerseed, mln t Sunflowerseed meal, mln t Sunflowerseed oil, mln t
 Argentina 3.4 1.27 1.265
 Russia 15 5.715 5.741
 Turkey 1.75 (-0.05) 1.47 1.173
 Ukraine 17 6.83 7.117
 EU 10.15 (+0.2) 4.918 3.865

Sunflowerseed production in the rest of producing countries is projected at 8.7 mln t, sunflowerseed oil at 2.63, sunflowerseed meal at 3.02 mln t.

As of 4 November, sunflower harvesting in Ukraine progressed to 14.72 mln t or 95% of the projected area. The crop yielded 2.37 t/ha on average.

Crude sunflower oil production in Ukraine in 2020/21 totalled 4.7 mln t. Refined sunflower oil output by crushers in Ukraine made up 745.3 thou. t.

Ukroilprom projects sunflower oil production in Ukraine in 2021/22 to grow by 24% YoY.


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