Mykola Solskyi called on the international community to help restore the full operation of the grain corridor

Source:  UkrAgroConsult

He emphasized this during his welcoming speech at the opening of the International Green Week.

“The work of the grain corridor is a chance to prevent a food crisis, and Ukraine uses all the opportunities it has to do this. But for Russia, the grain corridor has become a tool of manipulation and pressure on the international community. It was because of this that it began to block the operation of the grain corridor: if in September-October the average monthly volume of products exported through the ports of Greater Odesa was 4 million tons, and on average 6 ships passed through the Bosphorus per day, now it is 2-3 ships per day Mykola Solskyi said.

According to him, the consequence of such an artificial blocking of exports is an increase in hunger in African and Asian countries and an increase in prices for all consumers.

“People’s lives cannot be the subject of manipulations and trades,” he emphasized.

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