Montenegrin government limits markups on flour and sunflower oil


The Government of Montenegro, in a telephone meeting today, with the consent of the majority of members, adopted the Decision on temporary measures to limit prices of products of special importance for life and health of people and the list of these products.

“Taking into account that, as a result of continuous monitoring of the market situation and price dynamics, it has been established that due to external shocks there is still an increase in the prices of products included in the basic foodstuffs, the Decision limits the marginal trade markup up to 5% in wholesale trade and up to 7% in retail trade for the following products: wheat flour (brands 400 and 500), sugar, sunflower oil and table salt,” the Government pointed out.

They note that the decision is the result of coordination of the list of goods with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and its purpose is to protect the vulnerable category of low-income buyers, while maintaining the economic activity of retailers in retail and wholesale trade.

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