Moldova: The state reserve is to be supplemented this year with 50 thousand tons of food wheat

Source:  TeleRadio Moldova

The state food wheat reserve is to be supplemented this year by 50 thousand tons – the Secretary of State at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, Vasile Şarban, told Radio Moldova. According to the official, the purchase contracts are in the process of negotiation with private economic agents, reports Radio Moldova.

Currently, on the market, there is a stagnation of trade in cereals and oil crops, and the purchase of food wheat for the state reserve represents an intervention by the state to support local producers – stated Vasile Şarban.

“The purchase procedure is in process to replace that quantity, which we had until 2022. We will purchase around 50,000 tons of wheat. It is, in fact, also an intervention of the state in the case when we have this stagnation of wheat marketing. The state now supplies as much as possible, because we do not have storage facilities. In any case, the state reserve is deposited with economic agents from the private sector”, said Vasile Şarban.

Vasile Şarban mentioned that enough wheat was harvested this year, that’s why exports are welcome. He made this clarification in the context of the request by the State Reserves Agency of Azerbaijan to be supplied with 100,000 tons of wheat from the Republic of Moldova.

The President of the Association of Exporters and Producers of Agricultural Products and Cereals, Igor Grigoriev, told Radio Moldova that Azerbaijan, for its part, is available to offer fertilisers for the needs of agriculture in our country.

“Production in the country is 800,000 – 900,000 tons. The internal needs of the Republic of Moldova for a year are around 350,000 – 400,000 tons. Plus there are the state’s reserves. That is why, today, the agriculture of the Republic of Moldova and the agro-cereal sector can ensure this request or offer from the State Reserve Agency of Azerbaijan”, said Igor Grigoriev.

TRM.MD recalls that the price of wheat for export is set at the International Stock Exchange, unlike that purchased for the state reserve, whose price is the reference price of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova. This year the respective price is approximately 5.20 lei per kg.

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