Malaysia increases palm oil exports in September

Source:  OleoScope
пальмова олія

Approximately 1.16 million tonnes of palm oil and its fractions were exported from Malaysia to foreign markets between September 1 and 25. Compared to the same period last month, export figures decreased by approximately 15% – from 966.6 thousand tons. This was reported by Nasdaq with reference to the monitoring data of Intertek Testing Services analysts.

Thus, from September 1 to 25, the largest amount of palm olein was exported from Malaysia – 372.9 thousand tons against 270.9 thousand tons on the specified dates of the previous reporting month. It is followed by crude palm oil (CPO): its export was 199.6 thousand tons (230.6 thousand tons). Rounding out the top three is refined palm oil – 127.1 thousand tons (66.6 thousand tons).

During the reporting period, large batches of stearin and palm kernel oil were also sent abroad: more than 95 thousand tons (86.3 thousand tons) and 19.7 thousand tons. tons (16.7 thousand tons), respectively.

It is noted that from September 1 to 25, Malaysian palm oil was most often shipped to EU countries – 243.7 thousand tons, to India – 200.5 thousand tons. tons and China – 190.6 thousand tons. tons

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