Lebanon buys about 72,000 T wheat sourced from Ukraine- traders

Source:  XM

The Lebanese government is believed to have purchased about 72,000 metric tons of milling wheat in a tender this week all expected to be sourced from Ukraine, European traders said on Thursday.

The wheat was sought for rapid shipment to Beirut.

The purchase involved 30,000 tons bought at an estimated $250.50 a ton c&f free out for shipment between Jan. 20 and Feb 15, 10,000 tons at $252.00 a ton c&f free out for shipment between Jan. 18 and Feb. 15 plus 32,000 tons also at $252.50 a ton for shipment between Feb. 5 and Feb. 20.

Finance for the purchase is being provided by the World Bank as part of its continuing programme of wheat purchases to assist Lebanon during its difficult financial position, they said.

Reports reflect assessments from traders and further estimates of prices and volumes are still possible later.

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