Latvia’s ruling coalition has agreed to prepare a law banning grain imports from Russia and Belarus


Representatives of the ruling coalition in Latvia have reached a political agreement to ban grain imports from Russia and Belarus. This is reported by Delfi.

After a coalition meeting on January 29, Prime Minister Eika Silina (New Unity), Minister of Agriculture Armands Krause (Union of Greens and Peasants), and the head of the Progressive Party faction in the Saeima Andris Šuvaevs announced that they plan to prepare and approve a corresponding draft law in February.

The issue of banning grain imports from Russia and Belarus has long been discussed in Latvia, but until now, the coalition believed that it would be best to do so by a joint decision at the EU level, and that a unilateral ban would not make sense, as Russian grain could still enter Latvia through other EU countries.

Last week, Latvian President Edgars Rinkēvičs said he supported a unilateral ban on Russian grain imports.

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