Latvia is preparing to transport Ukrainian grain by rail in the fall


The Latvian Railways (LDz) sees an opportunity to join the transportation of Ukrainian grain in the fall of 2023. However, previously LDz was skeptical about this idea. This was announced by the Chairman of the Board of the company Rinalds Plavnieks in an interview with Latvian Radio.

He noted that until the summer of 2023, he considered the transportation of Ukrainian grain by rail through Latvia unlikely. But later he admitted that the technological capabilities of logistics and transshipment have developed so much that the transshipment process can be much more efficient.

“Now there is an opportunity for transportation of Ukrainian grain,” emphasized Pļavnieks.

Now he predicts that approximately 500 thousand to 1 million tons of Ukrainian grain can be transported by rail through Latvia in a year.

LDz, according to the chairman of its board, may be involved in the transportation of grain from Ukraine as early as the fall of 2023.

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