Kazakhstan plans to export wheat and barley to Iran

Source:  ElDala

Chairman of the Board of Prodkorporatsiya Asylkhan Juvashev discussed at a meeting with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Iran in Kazakhstan Ali Akbar Joukar cooperation in terms of agricultural exports. In particular, the Kazakh national company is interested in supplying Iran with wheat and barley. This was reported by the press service of Prodkorporatsiya.

As Asylkhan Juvashev noted, the national company has two subsidiary organizations in the Caspian region – grain terminals “Ak Bidai Terminal” in Aktau and “Amirabad Grain Terminal KISH” on the southern coast of the Caspian Sea.

It should be noted that in 2022 Kazakhstan significantly reduced wheat exports to Iran, sending there only 15.6 thousand tons. Barley was exported much more – 246 thousand tons.

Now Prodkorporatsiya plans to start shipments of wheat and barley to Iran. Now potential partners are being selected.

The Prodkorporatsiya did not specify the planned volumes. However, Asylkhan Juvashev noted at the meeting that export potential in Kazakhstan is pressured by low prices for Russian wheat, which creates problems for domestic grain traders.

In turn, Ali Akbar Joukar said that the development of trade in agricultural products is hindered by economic sanctions imposed on Iran and related difficulties in making payments.

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