Kazakhstan harvested 1.23 mln tons of sunflower seeds in 2023

Source:  OleoScope

Last year, Kazakhstani farmers harvested about 1.23 mln tons of sunflower seeds (in weight after refining), which is 5% less than in 2022, according to official statistics. The harvest refining rate was 8.7%.

At the same time, according to the Bureau of National Statistics, in 2023, despite the decline in seed harvest, farmers expanded the area under the crop by 7% to 1.17 mln ha.

The area of lost crops in the country reached 16.8 thou hectares in agricultural enterprises and about 5.9 thou hectares in peasant and farm households.

According to the available information, the largest amount of sunflower seeds was harvested in Abay and East Kazakhstan regions – 373.9 thsd tonnes (+19% yoy) and 334.67 thsd tonnes (-7% yoy), respectively.

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