Kazakhstan exported more than 1 million tons of flour

Source:  Eldala.kz

For seven months (January-July) 2023 from Kazakhstan exported more than 1 million tons of flour. This volume by 10.7% exceeded the figure for the same period last year. This was reported in the press service of the Bureau of National Statistics.

Production of flour for the period increased by 3.7%, reaching 1.7 million tons. In January-July 2022, the country produced 1.6 million tons.

Imports accounted for 1.4% of flour. The country imported 24.2 thousand tons of products, which is 1.1% more than last year’s figure.

In the domestic market for seven months sold 716 thousand tons of products, sales decreased by 5.1%. The price of wheat flour of the first grade on average per kilogram is 225 tenge.

Note: this year’s reaping was delayed due to rains that lasted in the grain belt from late August to mid-September. this led to sprouting of unharvested grain, as well as a large percentage of wheat with a low fall number. Such grain is not suitable for processing into flour.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan, the country’s flour-milling industry today involves about 270 enterprises with a total capacity of 9.3 million tons of grain per year. In 2022, record flour production figures were achieved after a three-year slump, with 3.4 million tons of products reaching the Kazakh market. The volume of domestic flour production is 2.2 times higher than domestic consumption, which is about 1.5 million tons per year.

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