India to export record volume of rapeseed meal in MY 2022/23

Source:  OleoScope
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India in the period from October 2022 to August 2023 sold to foreign markets record volumes of rapeseed meal – 1.77 million tons against 1.12 million tons in the same months of the season-2021/22. Such data was released by specialists of Hamburg-based analytical agency OilWorld (Germany) in their report.

“The increase in exports occurred against the background of a significant increase in rapeseed processing in July-August this year compared to the previous year and weak domestic consumption,” they note.

According to experts, in MY 2022/23, most of India’s rapeseed meal was sold to Thailand, South Korea, Bangladesh and Vietnam.

Meanwhile, from June to August 2023, shipments also reached a high level of 0.5 million tons, according to OilWorld (Germany) estimates. The German agency specifies that last summer demand for meal increased in China, where the product from India was not supplied a year earlier.


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