India in June sharply increased imports of vegetable oils amid lower world prices

Source:  GrainTrade

India, which is the world’s largest importer of vegetable oils, continues to increase its imports, taking advantage of the decline in world prices to a one-year low.

According to Reuters, in June, the country increased imports of palm oil by 49% to a three-month high of 655 thsd tonnes, soybean oil by 35% to 432 thsd tonnes, and sunflower oil by 36% to 190 thsd tonnes compared to May.

the August futures for palm oil on the Bursa exchange in Malaysia yesterday rose 1.2% to 3911 ringgit/t or 840 $/t (+9.8% for two weeks) in anticipation of data from the Board of palm oil Malaysia (MRO), while analysts predict a reduction in production and stocks amid increased exports in June.

On the Chicago stock exchange, the August futures for soybean oil yesterday fell 3.1% to 1387 $/t (+9.2% for the week, +26% for the month), as traders took profits after a sharp rise in prices over the past week.

the price of sunflower oil for delivery to customers remain at the level of 900 $/t, however, in Ukraine the number of proposals is reduced due to active exports, which in 2022/23 MG has already reached 4.8 million tons with a forecast of 4.5 million tons.


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