In Ukraine, winter crops are sown at the latest

Source:  UkrAgroConsult

Due to the peculiarities of the weather in September – excessive precipitation and a large number of days with rains, which caused waterlogging of the upper layers of the soil, the sowing of winter cereals for the 2023 harvest is taking place this year at the latest dates for the last decade. This was reported to the Ukrhydrometeorological center.

As noted, the delay is two to four weeks. Harvesting rates for sunflower, corn, and soybeans are also significantly behind previous seasons, which impairs quality and may lead to lower yields.

According to operational data, as of October 25, farmers planted 3.6 million hectares of winter cereals, which is 76% of the forecast.

In particular, as of the reporting date, the following were sown:

  • wheat – 3.1 million hectares, or 79%;
  • barley – 90 thousand hectares, or 58%;
  • rye – 74 thousand hectares, or 86%.

So, in the previous week, 836,000 hectares of winter crops were sown for grain. Among the leaders are the agrarians of the Mykolaiv region and Odesa region, who planted nearly 150,000 hectares each.

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