In 2022, Ukraine produced 63.1 thousand tons of honey

Source:  AgroTimes

In 2022, Ukraine produced 63.1 thousand tons of honey, 8% less than a year earlier. This is evidenced by data from the State Statistics Service.

In particular, agricultural enterprises produced 576 tons of honey, which is 15.9% less than in 2021.

Last year, honey production in households decreased by 7.9% compared to 2021, to 62.5 thousand tons.

In the regional context, Khmelnytsky region was the leader in honey production last year (6.6 thousand tons). Sumy region (6.3 thousand tons) and Zhytomyr region (6.2 thousand tons) were also among the three largest producers.

The highest growth rates of honey production in 2022 were in Sumy (34.9%), Ternopil (274%) and Khmelnytsky (22.3%) regions.

The State Statistics Service notes that the data excludes the territories temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation and part of the territories where hostilities are ongoing.

The information is based on actual reports submitted by enterprises and additional estimates of indicators. The data may be updated, the State Statistics Service added.

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