In 2021, the geography of Russian grain exports expanded to 147 countries


Since the beginning of 2021 (as of December 26), according to the FSIS “Argus-Fito”, the export of grain and its processed products amounted to 49.6 million tons.

International cooperation and opening of new markets

This year, the geography of Russian grain exports has increased: if in 2020 138 countries became buyers, then in 2021, 147 countries are already importers. The main ones are: Turkey, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, China, Belarus.

The leading exported crops in the current 2021/2022 agricultural year are wheat (21.1 million tons with a share of 73%), barley (2.5 million tons with a share of 9%), corn (1.2 million tons with a share of 4%) and peas (0.8 million tons with a share of 3%). The supplies to the international markets of peas (+ 79%), flax seeds (+ 27%), wheat bran (+ 24%), and wheat flour (+ 25%) increased significantly.

In 2021, the Rosselkhoznadzor continued systematic work with the authorized bodies of the importing countries to increase the volume of Russian grain exports, expand its sales markets and soften the requirements of importing countries.

As a result, the authorized bodies of Mexico agreed on the possibility of supplying Russian wheat with single quarantine pests directly to the processing enterprises of the country. Similar work is being carried out with the authorized bodies of Vietnam to coordinate the import of Russian wheat with single specimens of the field thistle and with Indonesia to coordinate the supply of Russian wheat with isolated cases of infestation of smut.

The Indian side notified Russia of the possibility of fumigating Russian grain in transit using aluminum phosphide (earlier, India introduced a mandatory requirement for exporting countries to decontaminate grain supplied to India with methyl bromide). In addition, the Indian side allowed the import of a trial batch of Russian lentils, based on the results of laboratory tests, a decision will be made on the possibility of opening the market.

Approval of the access of Russian buckwheat to the Peruvian market is nearing completion.

As a result of the work carried out with the Chinese side, an agreement was reached as soon as possible to agree on draft agreements to the protocols on wheat and barley, which will allow the export of these crops from all regions of the Russian Federation (at present, the export of these crops is possible only from 7 Russian regions, including Altai, Krasnoyarsk Territories, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Amur, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan Regions).

In addition, in the near future it is planned to sign with the Chinese side a protocol on phytosanitary requirements for peas (pea groats) exported from Russia to China.



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