Harvest of oilseeds in Ukraine will increase to 19.5 mln tons

Source:  UkrAgroConsult

The harvest of seeds of main oilseeds in Ukraine in 2023/24 MY will increase to 19.5 mln tonnes. This will be 7.7% higher than the previous season (18.1 mln tons). This forecast was made by the analysts of the association “Ukroliyaprom”.

As noted, the biggest growth is expected for soybeans – by 12.2%, from 3.444 mln tonnes in 2022/23 MY to 4.107 mln tonnes. This growth will be driven by the significant increase in the planted area – by 20.5%, to 1.84 mln ha, while the oilseed yield will grow by only 0.4%, to 22.3 centners per tonne.

The sunflower production in the current season is expected to reach 11.813 mln tonnes, up from 11.329 mln tonnes in 2022/23 MY (+6.5%). The yield of the oilseed will decline slightly by 3.3% to 20.9 centners per hectare, while the area under the crop will increase to 5.64 mln ha (+7.7%).

As for rapeseed, the harvest is expected to reach 3.318 mln tonnes (+9.1%, or 246 thsd tonnes), which will be harvested from almost 1.35 mln hectares (+16.3%) with the yield of 26.5 c/ha (-9.3%).

“At the same time, we should take into account the significantly lower carry-over stocks of oilseeds in Ukraine at the beginning of 2023/24 MY compared to the beginning of the previous season. Accordingly, the supply in 2023/24 MY will be lower, which requires urgent measures at the governmental level to create conditions for maximum domestic processing and increase of export of high value-added products,” – the association emphasized.

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