Harvest activities and second crop planting benefit from drier weather

After one of the driest mid-February periods in 30+ years across much of southern Brazil and Argentina, the latter half of February 2022 looks to bring some precipitation back into the picture for part of the region.

However, this does not signify a change to a wetter regime for these dry areas, simply a temporary reprieve. Later planted corn and soybeans may be able to soak up the moisture here in the latter half of February, but much of the damage has been done to earlier planted crops which are being harvested.

Precipitation is forecast to trend the 6th greatest in 30+ years for the third full week of February, week-ending February 26th, in the major soybean areas of Argentina. Precipitation will be spotty and generally on the lighter side in the first half of the week but the latter half of the week will yield opportunities for heavier showers, according to data from WeatherTrends360.

While southern Brazil, where this season has been largely dry and fraught with drought, may see the occasional rain shower, precipitation is forecast to trend below normal for the third full week of February.

Drier trends will extend up into parts of Central-West Brazil, including Mato Grosso where this is forecast to be the 2nd driest third week of February in 30+ years according to WeatherTrends360. Drier weather will be much more welcomed in this area as wet weather has forced farmers to rush harvest activities. This break to drier weather couldn’t come at a better time as the ideal planting window for second corn crop, safrinha, will close soon. Crops planted after this ideal window risk entering sensitive reproductive phases as Brazil enters its dry season.

Temperatures will be a non-issue in Argentina this week, trending generally near normal. There are some hotter risks in southern Brazil, which also will see the lower chance of needed precipitation, and this is forecast to be one of the warmest third weeks of February in 30+ years from Rio Grande do Sul to Mato Grosso do Sul. Meanwhile, farther north in Brazil, temperatures will trend cooler than normal.


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