Guterres calls on Russia to return to the “grain deal”

Source:  Ukrinform
Антоніу Гутерреш

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said that with the termination of the Black Sea Grain Initiative, the most vulnerable segments of the population will suffer due to higher food prices.

According to Ukrinform, Antonio Guterres said this at the opening of the UN Food Systems Summit.

“We are already seeing the negative impact on world wheat and corn prices, which hurts everyone, but it is especially devastating for vulnerable countries trying to feed their populations. With rising food prices, the hope of developing countries is disappearing,” Guterres said.

According to him, Russia and Ukraine are the most important countries for global food security.

“They have historically accounted for about 30% of the world’s wheat and barley exports, a fifth of all corn and half of sunflower oil,” the UN Secretary-General explained and added that he remains committed to promoting unimpeded access to world markets for food and fertilizers from both Ukraine and Russia, as well as ensuring the food security that “everyone deserves.”

“I call on the Russian Federation to return to the Black Sea Initiatives in line with my latest proposal and urge the international community to come together for effective solutions in this important effort,” Guterres said.

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