Gross harvest of rapeseed in Ukraine has already exceeded last year’s figure

Source:  AgroTimes
сбор урожая рапс

Ukrainian farmers have already harvested rapeseed from 85.9% of the area and threshed 3.319 million tons with an average yield of 28.1 cwt/ha. Last year, the whole rapeseed harvest amounted to 3.317 mln tons with the yield of 28.7 c/ha.

This is reported by AgroTimes, citing data from the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and the State Statistics Service.

Therefore, the higher rapeseed harvest this year compared to 2022 is due to the increase in the acreage under the crop.

The largest amount of rapeseed was harvested in Odesa region – 401.8 thou tons, Vinnytsia region – 337.4 thou tons, and Dnipropetrovs’k region – 280.5 thou tons.

The highest average yields were recorded in Ternopil (40.4 c/ha), Poltava (39.1 c/ha), Sumy (36.4 c/ha) and Lviv (36.2 c/ha) regions.

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