Grain yields in Ukraine will decrease by no more than 5% this year

Source:  UkrAgroConsult

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine forecasts an overall decrease in grain yields of 5% compared to last year. Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Taras Vysotsky said this on the air of the nationwide Yedyni Novyny (United News) marathon.

“It is still difficult to objectively compare the final figures with the previous year, as this year we see a delay in vegetation, ripening and harvesting by about 2-3 weeks. But if you look at the harvesting phase, the yield is still slightly lower than last year,” Vysotsky said.

He emphasized that the yield is currently lower by about 10-15%, but the next few weeks will be key for more accurate forecasts.

“In general, based on the harvesting of at least the early grain group, we expect the yield to decline, but not more than 5% compared to last year. We will see, taking into account this delay in vegetation and the weather factor, because the early grain harvest will be finished not earlier than August,” the Deputy Minister added.

As reported, as of July 14, Ukraine harvested 2.157 mln tonnes of grains and pulses on the area of 643.8 thou hectares with the yield of 33.5 c/ha.

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