Grain reserves in Kazakhstan amount to 9.6 mln tons


7.7 million tons of wheat grain remained in Kazakhstan. The volume of food grain – 5.4 million tons. Statistics presented official data on availability of grain and pulses crops in farms of Kazakhstan for the period of early May.

In total in Kazakhstan the volume of grain and pulses  is 9.6 million tons. Of them food grain – 6.3 million tons, seed grain – 1.2 million tons, fodder grain – 2 million tons.

As for wheat itself, there are 7.7 million tons left in farms against 8.4 million tons a month ago. Of them, 5.4 million tons of food wheat (against the volume of 6 million tons on April 1). There are still 993 thousand tons of seed grain, the same as a month ago. The volume of feed wheat grain is currently 1.3 million tons.

Most of all, there are three grain-growing regions – North-Kazakhstan region – 2 million 386 thousand tons, Akmola region – 2 million 578 thousand tons, Kostanay region – 2 million 535 thousand tons.

Barley in the presence of 1.2 million tons. Of which food barley – 447 thousand tons, seed barley – 160 thousand tons, fodder barley – 625 thousand tons. Availability of corn – 120 thousand tons, oats – 100 thousand tons, buckwheat – 65 thousand tons.

It is worth noting that U.S. agricultural analysts predicted an increase in yields of barley and wheat this season in Kazakhstan. Producers estimate the volume of barley production at 3.25 million tons, the volume of wheat production – 15.8 million tons.

Earlier, agrarians of one of the main grain-growing regions of Kazakhstan – Kostanay region – reported that due to high moisture charging of the soil expect a good harvest.

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