Grain export duty is not yet supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan

Source:  ElDala

With the initiative to introduce an export duty on Kazakh grain came the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In turn, the Ministry of Agriculture has not yet supported the proposal, but will study it with the participation of industry unions, said the agency.

So far the decision on the introduction of duties has not been made.

“Currently, on the initiative of the Ministry of Finance is considering the introduction of export customs duty on a number of agricultural products. At the same time, we believe that the introduction of the duty may have a negative impact on the state of the industry and the financial condition of agricultural producers. In this regard, this issue is being worked out with interested industry associations and unions, after which the position of the Ministry will be sent to the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, – reported in the press service of the Ministry of Agriculture.

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