Germany doubles purchases of rapeseed in Ukraine


Germany imported about 3.5 mln tonnes of rapeseed in the first half of 2023/24 season (2022/2023 MY – 2.6 mln tonnes), of which about 2.2 mln tonnes were supplied from the EU countries.

The German Union for the Promotion of Oilseeds and Vegetable Proteins (UFOP) reported with the reference to the data of the Federal Statistical Office.

Thus, most of the oilseeds were imported from Romania – 696.6 thsd tonnes, Poland – 523.2 thsd tonnes, France – 303.9 thsd tonnes.

“However, Germany received the largest volume from Ukraine – 995.6 thsd tonnes (in 2022/23 MY – 519.5 thsd tonnes). The country was able to almost double the volumes of supplies compared to the previous year despite the war and continue to maintain the position of the most important supplier of rapeseed for Germany,” – the report says.

Other important sources of rapeseed are traditionally Canada and Australia, although the former did not provide significant volumes in the mentioned period for the first time in 5 years. Supplies from Australia also decreased to 165.8 thsd tonnes, which is significantly less than 405 thsd tonnes of Australian rapeseed received in the first half of last season.

At the end of the marketing year, Germany is the largest net importer to the EU with an average volume of 5.5 to 5.7 million tons. Every year, oil mills process about 9.4 mln tons of rapeseed, so exports are much smaller. During the first six months of the current season, the Federal Republic exported only about 30.3 thsd tonnes of rapeseed, while last year the export volume was still 39.6 thsd tonnes, due to the larger harvest. German rapeseed is mostly exported to other EU countries. About 8.6 thsd tonnes were exported to France, and 3.2 thsd tonnes and 2.1 thsd tonnes to the Netherlands and Belgium, respectively.


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