Forecast for December Weather in Argentina Turns Worrisome

Rains over the weekend in Argentina favored the southern and southwestern areas. They did help the soil moisture in those areas, but dryness remains in northern and eastern Argentina. Any rainfall this week should be limited to southwestern areas. Below normal rainfall over the next 10 days is expected in Santa Fe, Entre Rios, and eastern Buenos Aires.

The weather in Argentina thus far this growing season has been good enough for normal early crop development, but the forecast for December looks much more worrisome. A typical La Nina pattern seems to be developing and the forecast is calling for below normal rainfall in December.

A meteorologist for the Brazilian National Weather Service (Inmet) Heracilo Alves, indicated last week that when a La Nina is present, the main production areas of Argentina have only a 25% chance of above normal rainfall in December. He also indicated that there is only about a 10% chance of above normal yields in Argentina during a La Nina.


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