Farmers in Parana Planting Their Soy and Corn, Harvesting Wheat


Farmers in the southern Brazilian state of Parana have started to plant their 2022/23 soybean. According to the Department of Rural Economics (Deral). Less than 1% of the 5,730,000 hectares (14.15 million acres) of soybeans in the state have been planted.

Economists from Deral are expecting the state to produce between 21.5 to 22.0 million tons of soybeans in 2022/23, which would represent an increase of 80% compared to last growing season. At the start of the 2021/22 growing season, Parana was expected to produce 20 to 21 million tons but ended up with only 12 million tons.

Domestic soybean prices in Parana are 8% higher than last year at this time which should ensure that farmers could make a profit on their soybean production despite high production costs.

Parana first corn planting – Farmers in the state had planted 32% of their first corn crop as of last Monday. The corn is 53% germinating, 47% in vegetative development, and the corn is rated 2% average and 98% good.

Parana wheat – Farmers in the state had harvested 19% of their winter wheat as of last Monday. The wheat is 9% in vegetative development, 16% flowering, 38% filling grain, and 37% mature. The wheat is rated 3% poor, 19% average, and 78% good.

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