Exports of Ukrainian sunflower oil increased by 40% since the beginning of the year

Source:  Сensor.NET
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In January-September of this year, Ukraine increased exports of sunflower oil by 40.3% year-on-year to 4.09 mln tons in physical terms, but in monetary terms it decreased by 5.8% to $3.72 bln, which accounted for 13.72% of total Ukrainian exports.

According to the statistics released by the State Customs Service, the main exports were to Turkey (18.44% of shipments in monetary terms), Romania (16.59%), and China (12.15%).

In the first nine months of the year, the exports of soybean oil increased by 20.2% to 207.1 thsd tonnes, but the revenue from these exports also decreased by 21.7% to $181.24 mln.

The top 3 importing countries of Ukrainian soybean oil are Poland (69.1% of supplies in monetary terms), Germany (5.19%) and the United Arab Emirates (4.67%).

Exports of rapeseed and mustard oil in January-September 2023 reached 244.71 thsd tonnes, up 9.3 times compared to January-September 2022. Sales of this type of oil brought Ukraine $205.72 mln, which is 5.8 times more than last year.

The key export countries of rapeseed and mustard oil were China (28.61% of supplies in monetary terms), Poland (20.08%) and Romania (15.22%).

In the first nine months of this year, margarine exports from Ukraine decreased both in physical terms (by 36.2%) and in monetary terms (by 37.5%) to 11.57 thousand tons worth $24.64 million.

At the same time, exports under article 1518 “fats, oils and vegetable oils processed by chemical modification” increased by 70.4% in physical terms to 12.60 thousand tons, and by 16.2% in monetary terms to $11.22 million.

As for imports, the largest item in this segment of foreign trade remained the import of palm oil, which in January-September this year decreased both in physical (by 21.6%) and monetary terms (by 32.5%): 64.41 thousand tons of this type of oil were supplied to Ukraine for the amount of $82.46 million.

At the same time, imports of margarine to the country during the reporting period slightly decreased in physical terms by 0.3% to 9.07 thsd tonnes, but increased in monetary terms by 7.3% to $32.43 mln.

Finally, code 1516 “fats, oils, vegetable oils, chemically transformed without processing” closes the top three imports in this category – 11.23 thousand tons of products were supplied for $25.63 million, while in the first nine months of last year there were 9.54 thousand tons for $26.62 million.

According to the State Customs Service, in the 12 months of pre-war 2021, exports of sunflower oil brought Ukraine $6.39 billion, soybean oil – $295.22 million, rapeseed and mustard oil – $222.56 million.

The main buyers of Ukrainian oil in 2021 were India (29.83% in monetary terms), China (14.36%), and the Netherlands (10.49%); soybean oil – Poland (66.42%), China (14.52%), and Germany (5.06%); rapeseed and mustard oil – the Netherlands (41.38%), Poland (30.42%), and China (12.49%).

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