Exports of Ukrainian grain through the Romanian port of Constanta fell by 43.5% in the first half of 2024

Source:  Latifundist.com

The port administration reported that the export of Ukrainian grain through the Romanian port of Constanta in the first half of this year fell by 43.5% compared to the same period last year to 4.24 million tons, as this year Ukraine has the opportunity to use its own ports.

This was reported by Maritime Reporter.

Earlier, Ukrainian producers stated that the total export of grains and oilseeds in 2024/25 marketing year is expected to reach about 60 mln tonnes. This is almost the same as in 2023/24.

“Kyiv is less dependent on Constanta thanks to a new shipping corridor that Ukraine organized in August 2023, starting from Odesa and continuing along the western Black Sea coast, near Romania and Bulgaria, after Russia withdrew from the UN-brokered agreement on safe grain exports,” the experts say.

Data from the port of Constanta, which does not include volumes handled through smaller Romanian ports, as well as exports by rail and road, show that 380 thousand tons of Ukrainian grain were shipped from the port in July.

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