Export of grain from Ukraine goes without any delays – Roman Leschenko

According to data from the ports of Ukraine provided by the consulting agency UkrAgroConsult, from February 11 to February 14, 2022, inclusive, grain shipments from sea terminals amounted to 867 thousand tons, including 170 thousand tons of wheat, 54 thousand tons of barley and 643 thousand tons of grain. tons. tons of corn.

The pace of exports is in line with the record harvest to Ukraine in 2021 and exceeds last year’s shipment figures. For the first 2 weeks of February shipped:

  • wheat – 548 thousand tons;
  • barley – 98 thousand tons;
  • corn – 2.25 million tons.

Currently, export of grain from Ukraine keeps on going without any notable delays, declared the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food, Roman Leschenko.

“There are no obstacles for export of Ukrainian grain, despite the disturbing news about the possible blockage of Ukrainian ports due to the Russian naval drills. Market operators inform that the shipments go as usually, there is no information about any delays”, – he said.

He added that there is some slowdown of grain export.

“So, there are no risks as to the excess wheat export. The domestic market requires about 20 mln tonnes of grain that allows us to export about 65 mln tonnes of grains and pulses”, – the Minister pointed out.


Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine

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