Expert promotes Malaysia’s palm oil during programme in Indonesia

Source:  Borneo Post Online

A Plantation Management Programme lecturer and technologist Muhammad Izzuddin Tuah took the opportunity to educate foreign countries about Malaysia’s palm oil to correct misconceptions against it.

He was representing the country at Young Elaies Ambassador (YEA) Induction programme organised by the Council of Palm Oil Producing Countries held in Indonesia recently, which aimed to facilitate young ambassadors to promote palm oil products.

“I want to help raise awareness to the international community about the benefits of palm oil as it is often wrongly accused of being harmful and causing deforestation.

“After the induction programme, all participants will be tasked with projects to promote palm oil and our primary target is the youth,” he said, adding that he won second place out of 28 finalists in the Circular Economy category of the International Young Elaise competition.

The six-day programme, which took place from May 13-18, saw the participation of representatives from Indonesia, Malaysia, Honduras, Pakistan, Ghana and India.

During the programme, participants visited several locations in Indonesia and Malaysia, namely Bogor Botanical Garden, Bogor Plantation Institute, Pulau Salat Kalimantan, Sime Darby Plantation in Pahang, National Elephant Sanctuary, Malaysia Palm Oil Council (MPOC) and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

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