EU urges farmers to report unfair trading practices

Source:  The Pig Site

The European Union on Tuesday urged farmers and small food suppliers to share their experiences of unfair trading practices amid protests by farmers across Europe claiming they are being short-changed or badly treated by buyers, among other issues.

The EU said that in March it would present several actions to member states covering issues such as market transparency, as well as implementing and enforcing a directive against unfair trading practices.

Despite the directive, many farmers allege they face a range of problems with buyers, such as major supermarkets, including late payments, last minute order cancellations, and unilateral or retroactive changes to contracts.

“By participating in the survey, farmers and smaller suppliers can express their concerns and share their experience with unfair trading practices”, the EU said in a statement.

Agricultural ministers from across the EU pledged to do more to cut red tape and help farmers as they convened in Brussels on Monday to discuss the crisis in the sector.

The 27-nation EU has already weakened some parts of its flagship Green Deal environmental policies but farmers are demanding more.

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