EU soybean imports for 2024/25 season down 20% by Aug. 11, rapeseed imports up 55%

Source:  Oilworld

Soybean imports into the European Union in the 2024/25 season, which began in July, reached 1.21 million tons by August 11, down 20% from 1.52 million tons a year earlier, data released by the European Commission on Tuesday showed.

EU rapeseed imports during the same period totaled 0.44 million tons, up 55% from 0.29 million tons a year earlier.

EU imports of soybean meal reached 2.24 million tons this season, up 13% from 1.99 million tons a year earlier, while EU palm oil imports totaled 0.29 million tons, down 31% from 0.42 million tons, the data showed.

Soft wheat exports from the European Union from the start of the 2024/25 season in July to August 11 reached 3.09 million tons, down 22% from 3.96 million tons a year earlier, data released by the European Commission on Tuesday showed.

EU barley exports totaled 1.15 million tons, down 21% from 1.46 million tons in the same period in 2023/24.

However, the backlog of last season’s wheat and barley exports narrowed this month, although the Commission said data on cereal exports from France since the start of the 2024 calendar year were still incomplete.

EU corn imports in 2024/25 totaled 2.42 million tons, up 19% from a year earlier (2.03 million tons). EU soft wheat imports were also higher than last season, up 5% to 714,454 tons.

An analysis of this season’s volumes showed that Romania is the leading wheat exporter to the EU with 1.26 million tons, followed by France with 497,536 tons, Germany with 344,322 tons, Bulgaria with 331,407 tons and Lithuania with 263,838 tons.

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