EU plans to return duties on Ukrainian eggs and sugar tomorrow – FT

Source:  Forbes

Updated. Information that the European Union may impose safeguard duties on Ukrainian agricultural products has not been confirmed. This was reported by Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Olga Stefanishyna.

The European Union plans to re-impose duties on imports of Ukrainian sugar and eggs on June 28, using a safeguard mechanism in case of quota exceeding.

According to the Financial Times, Ukraine’s trade representative Taras Kachka said that the government is holding talks with Brussels.

Earlier, the EU reimposed duties on Ukrainian oats due to exceeding the established quotas. The tariffs of 89 euros per ton will last until June 2025.

The FT’s sources say a decision on eggs and sugar is due on Friday.

The safeguard mechanism allows the bloc to return duties on Ukrainian poultry, eggs, sugar, oats, corn, honey, and cereals if imports exceed the average in 2022 and 2023.

In particular, oats have reached this level, with more than 6,440 tons imported since January 1. According to sources, the situation is similar with eggs and sugar.

It is noted that tariffs will be announced on Friday and will amount to 419 euros per ton of white sugar and 339 euros per ton of raw sugar. Eggs will cost an additional 30 cents per kilogram.

Taras Kachka, Ukraine’s deputy economy minister and trade representative, told the FT that the duties are in line with the current agreement, but the government is negotiating with Brussels to improve them.

“The goal is to remove all bilateral obstacles that do not comply with the agreement,” he said.

As reported, in May, the Council of the European Union finally approved the extension of the suspension of duties and quotas on imports of Ukrainian goods to the EU, but with additional safeguards to protect European farmers.

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