EU has preliminarily approved the extension of duty-free imports of products from Ukraine


Ukraine will be able to export agricultural products to the EU on preferential terms until the summer of 2025. The European Commission and the European Parliament have preliminarily approved the extension of the rules abolishing quotas and duties for our country.

According to a statement on the European Parliament’s website, this is done to support Ukraine during the aggressive war unleashed by Russia.

The previous trade liberalization regime was due to expire on June 5, 2024. The EU proposes to extend these measures for another 12 months. The final vote will be held later.

MEPs have taken into account the situation with farmers’ protests in EU member states, so the document will contain a number of reservations. If Ukrainian products lead to serious changes in the market of the European Union or individual countries, the European Commission reserves the right to take restrictive measures. The time for their discussion and implementation has been reduced from three to two weeks.

As for Ukrainian wheat, regulators will ensure that exports do not exceed the average of the two previous years, 2022 and 2023.

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