EU harvested almost 10 million tons of sunseed

Source:  Oilworld

In 2023, the EU harvested a significantly larger sunflower seed crop than in the previous year. The long-term average was also exceeded.

According to the European Commission, in 2023, the EU produced almost 10 million tons of sunflower seeds, which is 7% more than in 2022. The record result of 10.4 million tons was achieved in 2017, but this year is still good. The yield was 20.7 c/ha, which is almost 10% higher than in 2022.

After drought and heat significantly limited the yield potential in the previous year, moderate temperatures and precipitation in the region favored the development of field plantations.

Romania remains the main sunseed growing region in the EU-27. Here, the yield was about 12% lower than in the previous year, so despite the significant increase in the area, the harvest was slightly lower than in 2022, amounting to 2.1 mln tonnes.

In Germany, the 2023 harvest is slightly down from last year, but significantly higher than before the war in Ukraine. UFOP sees sunflower cultivation as a regional alternative to expand crop rotations and reduce risks. Therefore, UFOP recommends that sunflower should also be considered when planning the 2024 crop year.

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