EU and Turkey significantly increased imports of Ukrainian sunflower oil

Source:  OleoScope
подсолнечное масло

The EU countries purchased the most Ukrainian sunflower oil since the beginning of the season-2022/23 (September-July) – about 2.25 mln tonnes. Such data were published by the specialists of the Hamburg-based analytical agency OilWorld (Germany). According to their estimates, the EU increased imports of the product by almost 0.6 mln tonnes compared to the same period of the previous MY.

Moreover, according to the experts, the supplies to Turkey increased from 0.19 mln tonnes (September-July of 2021/22 MY) to 1.03 mln tonnes within 11 months.

“In general, the exports of Ukrainian sunflower oil in 2022/23 MY reached 5.2 mln tonnes, up 1.1 mln tonnes compared to September-July of the previous season,” the report says.

Experts also increased the estimation of sunseed processing in the country in the current agricultural season to 12.7 mln tonnes amid the active sales of the finished products.

In addition, analysts also note an increase in the production potential of sunflower seeds due to improved weather conditions. The harvest of the oilseed in 2023/24 MY is expected to reach 14 mln tonnes (+2.1 mln tonnes compared to 2022/23 MY).

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