Erdogan hopes that the agreement on the export of Ukrainian grain will solve the problems with the supply of products

Source:  Censor.NЕТ 

The President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, expressed confidence that the conclusion of an agreement on grain will make it possible to eliminate all problems with the formation of an agricultural corridor through the Black Sea. This was reported by the “Anadolu” agency on Friday.

“Today, with the participation of representatives of the UN, the Russian Federation and Ukraine, a document was signed that will eliminate problems on the way to the formation of an agricultural corridor,” Erdogan said.

We will remind, on July 22, Ukraine, Turkey and the UN signed an agreement on the export of grain

The day before, it was reported that Russia and Ukraine are ready to conclude an agreement on grain on July 22 in Istanbul. The President of Turkey and UN Secretary General António Guterres will take part in the document signing ceremony.

Last week, at the negotiations between Russia, Turkey, the UN and Ukraine on the export of Ukrainian grain, the participants agreed on the creation of a coordination center in Istanbul and reached an agreement on joint control of grain in ports.

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