Duda calls the ban on imports of Ukrainian grain correct

Source:  LB.ua

Polish farmers ensure the country’s food security, so the embargo on Ukrainian grain is the right decision. This was stated by Polish President Andrzej Duda, PAP reports.

“I believe it is a good decision that the Polish government has maintained the ban on the sale of Ukrainian grain on the Polish market. However, I am absolutely sure that everything must be done to ensure the maximum possible transit,” the President emphasized.

According to him, Ukrainian grain “did not reach the countries that needed it” but ended up in markets such as Poland.

“The Polish government had to take radical steps to support farmers, protect our market and agriculture,” Duda added.

On September 15, Poland announced that it would continue to ban imports of Ukrainian grain despite the European Commission’s decision. Ukraine threatened to go to WTO arbitration and impose an embargo on onions, tomatoes, cabbage and apples from Poland in the coming days.

The day before, Poland’s Foreign Ministry summoned the Ukrainian ambassador because of a remark made by Volodymyr Zelenskyy at the UN General Assembly, when he said that some EU countries were playing along with Russia by turning grain into a thriller. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry subsequently called on Poland to “put aside emotions” and emphasized that Ukraine had offered a constructive way to resolve the grain issue.

Duda also said that the dispute over the supply of Ukrainian grain to the Polish market “is a side element of Ukrainian-Polish relations,” so it will not significantly affect them.

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