Dry Weather Slows Soy Planting in Argentina, Only 20% Planted


Farmers in Argentina made modest advances in their soybean planting last week and the planting pace is now 20% behind last year. Dry conditions last week kept many planters parked and it was hot and dry over the weekend. The forecast is calling for only limited chances of rain this week and elevated temperatures.

November is the ideal planting month for soybeans in Argentina but only about one-quarter of the soybeans will be planted during November. The forecast does not look promising and I thought it was time to be a little more cautious concerning the soybean yields. The soybean acreage though might end up being a little more than anticipated due abandonment of some of the wheat and barley and switching some of the early corn to soybeans instead.

Dry conditions continue to limit soybean planting in Argentina. The soybeans in Argentina were 19.4% planted as of late last week compared to 39.3% last year and 40.2% average. This represents an advance of 7% for the week. In the core production area, the soybeans are approximately 25-35% planted with 10-20% planted in southern Argentina and less than 5% planted in far northern Argentina.

The planting advanced the most last week in the core areas, but the pace in the northern core is 32% behind last year and the southern core is 36% behind last year. There are reports of soybeans being planted in abandoned wheat and barley fields and some of the early planted corn being switched to soybeans instead. In areas where the soybeans have been planted there are reports of uneven emergence and herbicides not being activated due to the dry conditions.


Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

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