Dry weather in Ukraine and Russia continues to worry traders

Source:  GrainTrade

In the U.S., Canada and Western Europe, the rains were favorable for crops, but dry weather in the Black Sea countries reduces the potential of the future harvest.

In the Midwest and the Plains of the United States remains favorable weather, the predicted rains will slow down sowing, but will replenish moisture and improve the condition of crops. Farmers are actively sowing spring wheat and corn in between rains, so next week they can complete the work. Normal temperatures in the near future will contribute to the development of crops.

In the prairies of Canada, periodic showers delay sowing. Next week, the front will bring another wave of precipitation and lower temperatures, which will delay sowing, but will improve the prospects for canola and wheat in areas that have suffered from drought.

In the South of Brazil, heavy rains delayed the harvest of soybeans, which in general in the country threshed on 96% of the area, while corn first harvested 75% and has already begun harvesting the second crop. Next week, the precipitation will spread to the northern areas where the second crop corn is grown, which will improve the condition of crops, but in the main producing state of Mato Grosso the weather will remain dry.

In Argentina, dry and cold weather in the next 7-10 days will accelerate the harvest of soybeans and corn, but possible frosts will negatively affect the crops and rooting of winter wheat.

Most of Europe will continue to rain next week, especially in France and Germany. Excessive moisture on the background of low temperatures will have a negative impact on crops. Rains are also expected in eastern Europe, where there is still a shortage of precipitation.

In most of Australia next week will be favorable for sowing precipitation. The water temperature in the Pacific Ocean over the next few weeks will approach the favorable La Niña scenario, which will increase the likelihood of precipitation needed for winter crops.

In the black sea countries – Ukraine, Romania, Moldova and South-West of Russia, dry hot weather prevails, which reduces the yield potential and remains the main factor supporting wheat prices on world exchanges. In April and may, the amount of precipitation was well below normal, and next week the front from Western Europe will bring rain and lower temperatures to Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova and some regions of Ukraine.

In the European and Asian parts of Russia, dry and warm weather is expected in the next 7-10 days, favorable for the completion of sowing, which was delayed by frost and rain. In the North Caucasus, Western Siberia and Primorsky Krai, heavy rains will have a positive impact on spring wheat crops. However, dry weather without precipitation in the Black Sea regions of winter wheat production reduces the yield potential.

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